Is Brisbane the 3rd Largest City in the World?

Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland, Australia, has long been considered a vibrant and rapidly growing urban centre. As one of the most liveable cities in the world, it has gained significant attention and acclaim.

However, a common misconception persists – is Brisbane truly the third-largest city in the world?

In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the facts, statistics, and insights to uncover the truth behind this claim and explore Brisbane’s position on the global city landscape.

Understanding City Size and Population Metrics

When it comes to determining the size of a city, there are several key metrics that are commonly used. The most obvious and widely recognised measure is the total population residing within the city limits.

This figure provides a clear indication of the scale and density of a given urban area. However, it’s important to note that city population statistics can vary depending on the specific boundaries and definitions used.

Another important factor to consider is the metropolitan area population, which encompasses the broader urban agglomeration including surrounding suburbs and satellite towns.

This metric offers a more holistic view of the size and influence of a city, as it captures the interconnected nature of modern urban development.

Debunking the Myth: Is Brisbane the 3rd Largest City in the World?

Despite the persistent belief that Brisbane is the third-largest city in the world, the facts suggest otherwise.

According to the latest data from reputable sources such as the United Nations and the World Population Review, Brisbane’s population within the city limits stands at approximately 1.3 million as of 2022.

While this makes it a significant and rapidly growing city, it falls far short of the true third-largest city in the world.

When considering the broader metropolitan area, the picture becomes even clearer. The Greater Brisbane metropolitan region, which includes the surrounding suburbs and towns, has a population of around 2.5 million.

This places it firmly outside the top 10 largest metropolitan areas globally, with cities like Tokyo, Delhi, and Mexico City dwarfing Brisbane’s population.

Ranking the World’s Largest Cities

To provide a more accurate perspective, let’s take a look at the current rankings of the world’s largest cities by population:

  1. Tokyo, Japan – 37.4 million (metropolitan area)
  2. Delhi, India – 28.5 million
  3. Mexico City, Mexico – 21.6 million
  4. São Paulo, Brazil – 21.8 million
  5. Mumbai, India – 20.0 million
  6. Cairo, Egypt – 18.1 million
  7. Shanghai, China – 16.9 million
  8. Manila, Philippines – 13.5 million
  9. Jakarta, Indonesia – 10.6 million
  10. Seoul, South Korea – 9.7 million

As this data clearly demonstrates, Brisbane’s population, both within the city limits and the broader metropolitan area, falls well short of the third-largest city in the world.

The true third-largest city is Mexico City, with a metropolitan population of over 21 million people.

Factors Contributing to Brisbane’s Growth

While Brisbane may not be the third-largest city in the world, it has undoubtedly experienced significant growth and development in recent years.

Several key factors have contributed to this:

Economic Prosperity and Diversification

Brisbane’s economy has undergone a remarkable transformation, transitioning from a primarily resource-based economy to a more diversified and service-oriented one.

The city has witnessed the rise of industries such as finance, technology, and professional services, attracting both domestic and international investment.

Infrastructure Investments

The Queensland government has made substantial investments in Brisbane’s infrastructure, including the expansion of the city’s public transportation network, the development of new residential and commercial precincts, and the enhancement of the city’s liveability through the creation of green spaces and recreational facilities.

Population Growth and Migration

Brisbane has experienced consistent population growth, fuelled by both natural increase and net migration.

The city’s temperate climate, affordable cost of living, and high quality of life have made it an attractive destination for both domestic and international migrants, contributing to its steady expansion.

Tourism and Hospitality

As a major tourist destination, Brisbane has seen a significant influx of visitors, both domestic and international, drawn to its vibrant cultural scene, outdoor activities, and proximity to popular attractions like the Great Barrier Reef and the Sunshine Coast.

The Future of Brisbane: Towards a More Sustainable and Liveable City

While Brisbane may not be the third-largest city in the world, it has undoubtedly established itself as a thriving and dynamic urban centre. As the city continues to grow, there is a strong focus on ensuring its development is sustainable and enhances the overall quality of life for its residents.

Key initiatives underway include:

  • Investing in renewable energy and green infrastructure to reduce the city’s carbon footprint
  • Promoting sustainable urban planning and design to create more liveable and walkable neighbourhoods
  • Enhancing public transportation networks to reduce reliance on private vehicles
  • Protecting and expanding the city’s network of parks, green spaces, and natural habitats
  • Fostering a vibrant cultural and creative scene to enhance the city’s liveability and appeal

By embracing these sustainable development strategies, Brisbane is positioning itself to be a model of urban excellence, where economic growth, environmental stewardship, and community wellbeing converge to create a truly exceptional place to live, work, and visit.


In conclusion, while the belief that Brisbane is the third-largest city in the world is a common misconception, the facts clearly demonstrate that this is not the case. Brisbane, despite its impressive growth and development, falls well short of the true third-largest city, which is Mexico City.

However, this does not diminish Brisbane’s significance on the global stage. As a vibrant, liveable, and rapidly evolving city, Brisbane is carving out its own unique identity and charting a course towards a more sustainable and prosperous future. By leveraging its strengths and addressing the challenges of modern urban development, Brisbane is poised to continue its ascent as a premier destination, not just in Australia, but on the world stage.

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